Chastity belts

Chastity belts

Female chastity belt

Modern chastity belts for women generally follow the traditional "Florentine" pattern (named after the Bellifortis reference), with a band around the waist or hips and a "shield" that runs between the legs to cover the genitals.

Modern belts usually are made with features and accessories to accommodate erotic fantasy and BDSM play. For example, a slot in the shield may hold a dildo inside the wearer's vagina, which cannot be removed except by the keyholder. Some have a perforated cover (sometimes called the "secondary shield") over this slot to prevent the wearer from being pinched when sitting. The cover may also prevent direct masturbation by preventing access to the labia. Anal shields which forcibly retain butt plugs inside the wearer are a common accessory. The shield can be designed to work with genital piercings for greater security.

Female chastity devices are in demand, but sanitary constraints keep them from being practical for long term wear. On belts intended for long-term wear, the shield must accommodate the wearer's hygienic needs:

  • The shield is commonly a flat band with a slot through which the labia can protrude to breathe and through which urine can pass.
  • Belts with a "thong" arrangement have a single strap running up between the buttocks to the waistband. This may be a plastic-coated cable or a thin, curved metal rod, and there may be an opening in the thong to allow defecation.
  • Belts with a "V"-arrangement have a pair of chains or cables attached together at the bottom of the shield and apart towards the back of waistband in a "V" to leave the rear open.


Male chastity belts

Chastity belts of the so-called Flo­ren­tine type also exist for men. As in the stan­dard Flo­ren­tine de­sign, a cir­cu­lar hor­i­zon­tal band en­cir­cles the waist and a shield is at­tached to the front of the waist belt. The shield ex­tends down­wards to cover the gen­i­tal areas of the wearer and is at­tached to the back of the waist belt. For male belts, a penis tube is se­cured be­hind the front shield. In some de­signs, the tes­ti­cles are cov­ered by spe­cial cages. Most high-se­cu­rity chastity belts are made out of stain­less steel, al­though fiber­glass com­pos­ite belts have also been made. Most belt de­signs are se­cured with pad­locks. For travel a plas­tic de­vice with a num­bered plas­tic seal. The more se­cure de­signs have their pad­locks' shack­les hid­den to make cut­ting the shackle dif­fi­cult or im­pos­si­ble. Male de­vices are mostly ex­ter­nal and the abil­ity to make them se­cure makes them more pop­u­lar.

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