Kolekcja: Color / Pink

Pink is one of the popular sensual colors. It is a distant cousin of red when it comes to sexuality. However, where red ignites passion and lust, pink is all about romance. Pink lovers are very loving and caring; they will go out of their way to make their partner feel good. They are born romantics and adore taking care and even nurturing their partners. Men who like pinks tend to be spendthrifts though-so wives of such men should beware! Often, pink lovers are slightly immature when it comes to sex.

Combining the passion of red with the purity of white, pink is all about unconditional love, romance and intimate caring. Pink can alleviate anger, aggression and resentment, but beware that it also connotes naivete and inexperience, which is why paired with a stronger color like black, it becomes subversive and twice as sexy.

Pink lovers embrace sensuality and are likely to spend time indulging their bodies with massage or baths, inviting you to join them on their journey of self-love and nurturing. Sex can be wild, but it’s always fulfilling, as pink lovers won’t rest until each partner is satisfied.


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