Kategorie: Color / Orange

Orange lover is likely to be a warm, vibrant and flamboyant one. The color indicates a lover who is a risk taker- extroverted and uninhibited in bed. S/he is willing to try out new things in the bedroom and can make for enthusiastic, encouraging and stimulating partners.  Orange also denotes feminine energy and energy of creation. On the downside, orange lovers are known to be exhibitionists, over bearing and even dependent on their partners. 

Orange is cheerful and enthusiastic, emphasizing the intuition and ‘gut feelings’ we all possess. Highly adventurous and extroverted, wearers of orange not only lean toward sexual fantasies but making those fantasies come true!

While impulsive and risk-taking, orange also connotes great communication and positive spirit. You can count on someone who loves the color orange to engage with you in conversation and steer it into spirited new directions, right up until you’re undressing each other.

Expect an assertive, intuitive lover who values foreplay as much as sex, and could venture into ‘naughty’ behavior if the instinct is there.


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