Kategorie: Color / Red

No other color ignites passion, romance, and lust as much as red does. The very fact that this color increases blood pressure indicates that it is sexually stimulating and arousing. Brides in China and India often wear red on their first night to excite their partner. People who love red are easy to please and stimulate. Red foods like strawberries and red wine are also associated with sexual pleasure. Paint your bedroom walls red and you will be always in the mood for sex! Red lovers will also always be ready to rock the night but their temper flare-ups can also cause problems. A good partner should be able to reign in this passion and power that red lovers have. Red is also considered as one of the most sensual colors.

Red is energizing and exciting, a call to action for lovers who like to initiate and engage fully. It connotes confidence and passion and can produce feelings of craving, whether for food or sex. Red lovers are easily aroused and once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish.

Natural explorers, red lovers can also be impulsive and not too concerned with detail, so make sure your sex is safe and consensual!


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