Colección: Color / Blue

Blue indicates a person who is calm, peace-loving and often distant. This is a cold lonely color which could indicate a lackluster, even boring sex life. People who love blue make very good partners though-they are honest, stable, dependable and extremely loyal. Blue lovers may often come across as cold and distant; they usually take some time to warm up to their dates or potential partners but it is all worth it in the long run. These are the people who are very much in control of their emotions. Bedrooms painted in blue promote calm and relaxation.

Affectionate and exuding inner peace, people who love blue make wonderful sex partners, sensitive to their partner’s needs, and invested in making love into a fine art. With honesty, trust and loyalty as defining qualities, blue lovers are ‘givers’ who like to build strong relationships and bask in the glory of a successful union.

Not quick to judge or change, they may need to get some expert advice and think things over at first (like a new sexual request or fantasy), but when they commit, they go all the way with a passion that goes much deeper than lust.


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